I beleive that life is to be enjoyed, people are to be loved and opportunities are to be shared. I believe that sharing and caring is the best way to happiness and prosperity. Blog ini berisi aktifitas saya di bisnis online, bukti-bukti pembayaran bisnis oline PTC dan lainnya serta diselingi gambar-gambar unik dan hal-hal yang menakjubkan di muka bumi ini.


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    IDR-CLICKIT salah satu PTC terbaik di Indonesia, terpercaya dan membayar membernya dengan cepat. Saya bisa mendapatkan Rp.4.000.000,- sebulan dari PTC ini [...]


    Nilai dari DBCLIX hingga mencapai Rp.200,- per iklan dan Rp.100 dari klik referral. Nilai ini 2x lebih besar dari pada IDR-CLICKIT. Sehingga PTC ini layak untuk Anda coba [...]


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    Incrasebux adalah PTC yang sudah cukup bertahan lama, dan layak untuk Anda perhitungkan [...]

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pembayaran DBClix ke-29 Rp. 156.685,-

Posted by fatur341 On 7:41 PM No comments

Alhamdulillah.... Dapat pembayaran lagi dari Dbclix. meskipun nilainya tidak sebesar yang saya peroleh di IDR-CLICKIT , namun disini full Profit. Saat ini saya hanya mengandalkan referral cari saja. Sehingga tidak ada pengeluaran untuk sewa referral. 
Berikut adalah bukti pembayaran saya yang ke 29 dari DBclix.
Pembayaran dari DBClix yang ke-29
Apakah Anda belum bergabung dengan DBClix? untuk bergabung GRATIS dengan panduan saya, silahkan klik banner di bawah ini:



Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Akhirnya Om Google Ngasih duit juga

Posted by fatur341 On 9:46 PM 5 comments

Sudah beberapa bulan ini, saya mencoba mengais rezeki dari Google Adsense. benar gak sih Om Google membayar kita?
Setelah berjuang keras, belajar dan berdoa... akhirnya saat yang dinanti-nantikan  tiba juga.

Pagi hari ini, pas mau berangkat kerja Saya mampir di Bank BRI yang ada logo Western Union di Jl. Parangtritis Jogjakarta. Setelah masuk dan bertanya ke costemer service nya, "wah ternyata lagi gak bisa online mas" begitu jawab CSO nya. Akhirnya Saya pindah ke BPD, alhamdulillah disana melayani penarikan uang dari Western Union.

Lumayan dengan kurs 1$ = Rp.8854,- akhirnya USD $100,22 bisa dicairkan juga, cukup menunjukkan bukti pembayaran dan KTP asli.

Jadi lebih bersemangat nih buat nyari duit dari Google Adsense. Ayo temen-temen yang lagi berjuang, jangan menyerah...

Berikut bukti pembayaran saya yang pertama dari Google Adsense:
Pembayaran Google Adsense yang pertama
Terimakasih Om Google atas pembayarannya!!!


Pembayaran IDR-CLICKIT ke-45 Rp. 1.120.350,-

Posted by fatur341 On 7:56 PM No comments

Alhamdulillah... kemarin pembayaran dari IDR-CLICKIT masuk ke rekening BCA saya tanpa ada potongan sedikitpun. Sampai saat ini IDR-CLICKIT masih membayar dengan cepat pada membernya, bahkan jika Anda menggunakan Paypal, pembayaran secara instant dalam hitungan detik langsung masuk ke rekening Paypal Anda. Namun untuk IDR-CLICKIT ini saya memang sengaja lebih memilih untuk ditransfer lewat rekening BCA dari pada Paypal.

Berikut bukti pembayaran  yang ke-45 dari IDR-CLICKIT yang masuk ke rekening BCA saya:



Saturday, December 25, 2010

Misteri Batu Berjalan di Death Valley

Posted by fatur341 On 1:49 AM No comments

Death Valley di California adalah rumah bagi batu-batu yang tampaknya bergerak sendiri. Kerikil ke Boulders ditemukan tersebar di sekitar "Race Tracks" dengan jalur yang berubah-ubah, lingkaran, elips,dan zig-zag di belakang mereka. Beberapa batuan bergerak, yang lain tidak. Diperkirakan untuk beberapa waktu bahwa gaya magnet adalah penyebab fenomena. Para ilmuwan sekarang percaya bahwa penyebabnya adalah angin. Ketika telah ada cukup air untuk merendam tanah liat yang datar, dan suhu di bawah titik beku yang lebih rendah, hal itu menyebabkan kecil untuk membentuk kristal es. Bila permukaan licin sebuah batu yang cukup dalam kondisi ini angin akan benar-benar memiliki cukup tenaga untuk memindahkan mereka ke sekeliling, meninggalkan jejak. 


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pembayaran dari IDR-CLICKIT ke 44 Rp. 1.502.500,-

Posted by fatur341 On 8:04 PM No comments

Semenjak blog saya yang lama hilang dikarenakan robot dari penyedia bloger salah menilai kalo blog saya dikira blog spam, saya jadi agak males menulis blog. Tapi saat ini mulai semangat lagi buat membangun blog www.fatur.web.id mulai dari awal.

Setelah sekian lama tidak posting tentang bukti pembayaran, dan perkembangan terbaru tentang IDR-CLICKIT, berikut saya laporkan bukti pembayaran dari IDR-CLICKIT yang ke-44.
Alhamdulillah sebesar Rp.1.502.500,-
Bukti Pembayaran dari IDR-CLICKIT ke-44

Sampai saat ini IDR-CLICKIT masih menjadi andalan saya untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan dari internet. Karena cara kerjanya juga relatif mudah terutama bagi para pemula. Hanya cukup klik iklan saja kita dibayar oleh penyedia IDR-CLICKIT.
Bagi Anda yang belum bergabung dengan IDR-CLICKIT, Anda bisa bergabung GRATIS dengan panduan saya disini
atau lewat banner di bawah ini:



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

“Norway’s construction of the century”

Posted by fatur341 On 12:52 AM No comments

Jalan Atlantik dibuka pada tahun 1989 dan sekarang bebas biaya untuk melewatinya. Terpilih sebagai “Norway’s construction of the century” di tahun 2005, panjang jalan 8,72 kilometer (5.4 mil) melintasi komunitas kecil di pesisir Norwegia.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Lubang Laut Terbesar di dunia , "The Great Blue Hole of Belize"

Posted by fatur341 On 5:44 AM No comments

Jika Anda pernah datang dekat pantai Belize, Anda tidak boleh melewatkan kesempatan untuk mengunjungi Great Blue Hole, salah satu keajaiban alam yang paling dikenal di dunia. The Great Blue Hole terletak di Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, sekitar 60 mil jauhnya dari Belize City. Hal ini diyakini bahwa lubang ini adalah lubang-laut terbesar di dunia. Kedalamannya sekitar 125 meter dan diameternya sekitar 300 meter. Ini terbentuk disebabkan kenaikan permukaan air laut sekitar 65.000 tahun yang lalu.



Friday, December 17, 2010

Come, So the mother who organized!

Posted by fatur341 On 12:47 AM No comments

Sometimes, a person who organized very difficult. Especially when Moms already a huge list of tasks to be performed during the day.

Better organized to give us more proud of the achievement itself, and are able to provide extra time for yourself at the end of the day. With a little patience and perseverance, you can be organized in a short time Moms.

To know how, eHow some instruction as a first step to offer.

Perform regular

Completing the whole task, not regularly and not in a hurry that it will lead the task is more difficult to solve. Take on one task per day, for example, can now clean up the contents of cupboards and clean the bathroom tomorrow.

Create a to-do list

Make a list of activities you want to achieve (to-do list), even when deadlines start to close. The list may help you to feel worried about missing. And, it would be a remarkable achievement if you can take off one at a time when the completed work.

Including writing a simple event or meeting with family and friends, for example in the calendar.

Put everything in place

If your things neatly in place, it will save time when you need it. Also teach children to keep their toys after use.

Ask for help from other family and friends

Example, ask a neighbor to help guide children while completing house chores. Or, to say thank you the form by providing ice cream and pizza for the whole family because they contribute to housework.



Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Strategy to Overcome Broken heart

Posted by fatur341 On 5:20 PM No comments

Broken heart
Broken heart is a consequence of the end of a romantic relationship. It usually occurs suddenly, and we are not ready to accept it.

Many are angry, empty, confused, sad, low self-esteem, loss, and sometimes jealous. To make your new experience, Dating Tips imagine some suggestions for overcoming grief.

So, what to do after breaking up?

1. Vent about how you feel with a friend.

2. Do not blame yourself.

3. If necessary, crying.

4. Do the things you love

5. Take care of yourself, because as we all know depression can ruin the appearance.

6. For time for yourself to fully recover from a broken heart.

7. Keep me busy and not think about love.

8. If you feel the grief is so deep, try to consult with a therapist.

Things to avoid:

Some people escaped from a broken heart by taking drugs and alcohol. Here's what to avoid. Second, it is only a temporary solution and the pain will come back. Yes, the best you can do is deal with it.



Best Seat, Best Venues, Best Price

Posted by fatur341 On 1:31 PM No comments

If there’s a real sports game for men, that will be the football. We have the best football league in the world, the NFL where great teams and players competing to the top. There’re live NFL games on TV each Sunday but still, it can’t beat the live atmosphere of the stadium.

The football stadium is the shrine for football lovers and the fans of the team. Off course you can’t miss the chance to watch the live game on the very stadium. A Cheap Seat offers you the best opportunity to easily get best seat at any NFL stadium at the best price. You’re a big supporter of Cowboys? Get the best seat for your Georgia Dome Tickets where you can watch the best action on each Cowboys home game.

Off course, you can also find ticket for other live games. It is like you can easily book your Arrowhead Stadium Tickets to experience how the loudest NFL stadium could make you thrill. You can also book your Georgia Dome Tickets to watch how Atlanta Falcons superiority on their home base. Don’t forget to find the best seat for your ticket. A Cheap Seat is one stop solution to book best seat for best venues at the best price.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Want to daughter, Stop Eating Banana

Posted by fatur341 On 5:23 PM No comments

Do you have a daughter? According to scientists, you should stop eating bananas. You are also advised to eat nuts and cheese. Which article?

Researchers at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands have found the right combination of food and sex are the key to determine whether you have a son or daughter. They said the tricks that eating foods rich in sodium and potassium such as bananas, anchovies, olive oil, salami, salmon, shrimp, potatoes, meats, breads and pastries to resist. Instead, they focus on foods rich in calcium and magnesium.

For replacement, you eat foods rich in calcium, yogurt, hard cheese, canned salmon, spinach, tofu, almonds, oatmeal, broccoli and oranges. Meanwhile, cashew nuts, grains and nuts are rich in magnesium. So that was quoted by The Times of India, on Monday (12/13/2010).

The researchers say that the food consumed by humans does not affect the sex of her baby.

If the mother wanted a girl, the scientists also recommend regular sex, but not in the days before or after ovulation.

This conclusion follows a period of five years study with 172 women aged 23-42 years in Western Europe. All of the women had previously given birth to a boy and wanted the presence of girls.

They were instructed to reduce salt intake and eat at least milk per day. Participants will also be snacks such as bread, vegetables, fruit, meat, rice and pasta.

Although many women who are not in this study because they can not meet the strict dietary requirements or rules on when to have sex, but 21 women still endure to the end.

Of these 21 women, 16 of whom gave birth to a daughter. The success of the serial number of stunning, almost 80 percent.

"The results showed that the two methods of feeding time and increase the chances of women and the consequences of the most prominent food," the spokesman quoted the scientists to close the Daily Mail.



Family-Size Ability That Anybody Will Love

Posted by fatur341 On 7:50 AM No comments

Want a quick way to abbreviate your allowance list? This year, instead of spending hours award alone presents for anniversary affiliate of the neighbor's ancestors or abstracted ability for every one of your gal pal's 5 children, accede accepting a "family gift." Not alone will you save time, but you'll aswell be giving them a adventitious to adore superior time together. The key to giving a ancestors allowance is award something that is age-appropriate for both kids and adults that aswell matches the interests of all of the ancestors members. Don't be abashed to ask a few questions about admired games, places to eat, movies, etc. With a little bit of "inside information" you'll acquisition that affairs a ancestors allowance is easier than it sounds.

With some anticipation and planning, you can accord to the families on your account in means that not alone save them time and/or expenses, but which are aswell creative, unexpected, and fun for all! Here are some abundant allowance account to atom your imagination.

Classic Movies

Many families hire DVDs on a approved basis, but usually go for the current, accepted titles. Admitting these awning a abundance of abundant selections, some of the abundant ancestors abstract are generally neglected. Accord them something they ability not accept for themselves, such as The Sound of Music, or even one that doesn't authorize as a archetypal but which you yourself admired as a kid and still acquisition absorbing to bethink today. In analytic your memory, you may even adjudge to aces up two copies – one for your admired family, and one for yourself.

Monthly Cine Night

To add to the cine experience, accede throwing in aliment and authoritative it a account accident the accomplished ancestors will attending advanced to. At FlyingNoodle.com, you can adjustment alternating account blur treats via their Cine of the Ages Club. Anniversary of these ability includes a Blockbuster affidavit and gourmet popcorns and seasonings, forth with archetypal amphitheater candies such as Raisinets and the like.

The Allowance of Art

We all accept an aesthetic side, and a fun ancestors action that even the youngest toddlers can participate in is creating a simple yet beautiful account application finger-paints. With just a few food – paper, paints and a anatomy – anybody in the ancestors can accept a color, awning their award with a ablaze covering of paint, and accomplish a "family handprint" poster. They may even adjudge to get added aesthetic and add a ancestors "tree" as a background, conceivably pasting anniversary person's photo abreast their handprints. The accomplished artefact can be affected and afraid in the ancestors room, kitchen or anywhere abroad it can be an alarming and fun admonition of their collaborative effort.

A Apple of Flavor

Speaking of account clubs, addition abundant allowance abstraction for families is the Gourmet Club, offered by ClubsGalore.com. These ability awning treats from about the world, with a altered arena or affair anniversary month. From pastas to preserves, condiments to candies, and more, it's a fun, educational and adorable way for the ancestors to allotment in a array of offerings from cultures about the world.

A Slice of America

For down-home ancestors fare, pizza is consistently a much-loved favorite, admitting not usually presented as a gift. The aesthetic association at GreatClubs.com, however, action a Pizza of the Ages Club, whereby your admired ancestors can accept deep-dish pizzas on a approved basis. Once a month, three Chicago-style pies are delivered to the almsman family's home, accessible to bake. The flavors alter by the ages and are different recipes, yet not so abnormal or alien that even the pickiest eaters will not attending advanced to acquisitive them up.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Stay Passionate Sex After Menopause

Posted by fatur341 On 2:51 AM No comments

Just because you want the fear to suppress sex lives after menopause would not be abnormal. Not that, after menopause women are no longer sexual activity.

Right, in fact, most women can enjoy sex better after years of their reproductive organs work with smoldering. Here's why that tested the Times of India:

Not only great exercise, sex, slowing the aging person.

Against the popular myth, women want to have sex is not tied to menopause and reduced sexual drive is not part of the normal aging process.

In fact, the presence of free testosterone in his system at this stage actually increase sexual arousal for some people.

Lack of sex, on the other hand, a result of stress or sex is painful. Talk to your gynecologist about discomfort during sex can help a woman decide if she needs to find a cure, the services of a psychologist or a stress reduction class.

In the absence of estrogen, a woman may experience vaginal dryness and contractions of the uterus associated with orgasm, sex can be both painful.

But this could be overcome by medication that is formed as a lubricant or gel. Consultation with adrolog always helps, like when you often have sex.

More importantly, like women in menopause are not, the reasons for unsafe sex to reproduce. Do you always guard against sexually transmitted diseases, including the virus that causes AIDS.



Sensuality build through massage

Posted by fatur341 On 2:49 AM No comments

Massage is the best way to connect with couple. Because massage is a sensual movement when fingers touch your body few feet to touch the neck or vice versa.

If we are able to do it properly, massage can enhance sexual arousal. As reported from eHow, sensuality can be aroused by sight, touch, taste, smell and hear.


The construction of the mood of your partner, use a new leaf and place some rose petals on the bed. Not to mention, offering his favorite snack. Dim the lights for more sensual and comfortable impression.


Use music as the background and you will not think the effect will be much less pronounced. Another voice can be derived from the sighs and groans of pleasure, awakening her passion higher.


For some, the artistic touch is often a critical moment. Use the time of massage as a therapeutic approach.

Use your hands and give him a massage with deep pressure. Or can you feel light around the spine. Add goose or sponge for a more thrilling sensation.


Dinner together before the massage is a good suggestion. Add some fruit, spices and herbs in food. Then apply the honey in the abdomen and back while your partner to lick for a tickling sensation.


If you have more sensual effect, use the scent of flowers and fruit around the room, like papaya, guava and water orchids for the aroma that inspires passion. For more sensual massage, remaskan fruits to the whole body of the couple and lick until exhausted.



Why Women lazy to making love? This is the reason !

Posted by fatur341 On 12:06 AM No comments

Some women claim that headache, while others pretend to be tired. But now, experts have a scientific explanation of why women do not want to have sex with their partner.

They have discovered that the brains of women with low libido a very different behavior with a healthy sex drive have. The Daily Mail reports that quoted by the Times of India on Saturday (12/11/2010).

According to a recent study by Wayne State University in Detroit, United States, which has a low libido did not have a fast-flowing blood flow to certain brain cells during those times are full of passion. That is what explains why they do not enjoy.

Michael Diamond and his team asked women to erotic movies and then watch a blank screen. Then their brains were measured using the reactions MRI scans.

They found that during the sex scene, a woman with a normal sex drive is increased blood flow to parts of their brains. But those with a low libido did not have increased blood flow.

Michael said the findings offered a "significant evidence" against low sex drive is a real physiological disturbance.

"Who is able to identify physiological changes. For me to prove that they actually disorders of libido," he explained.

Research presented at the annual conference of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in Denver, Colorado, with 19 women diagnosed with hypoactive sexual desire disorder, and seven women with normal sexual impulse.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Yoga helps to improve Couples Sex Life

Posted by fatur341 On 12:09 AM No comments

Besides useful for treating various diseases, weight loss, mental health, increase positive mood, yoga has other advantages. Namely improving the sexual life of married couples (couples).

A study that women who experience dissatisfaction in sexual relationships and practice the techniques from the east has been reported to enhance desire and to have an orgasm. For men, yoga effectively deal with premature ejaculation.

According to Linda Sontag in her book "Tafsir Kama Sutra, yoga allows the personal fears and let the burden of daily life. Yoga also strengthens and put on the body by improving the working muscles and joints.

Yoga can help improve the sex, because it was difficult to sex with a partner, if one of the pair was stressed or concentrated. As for the sex, of course you both need concentration and a hint of self.

Not only that, yoga can also help you to relax. Often feel tense without knowing it, even when standing too rigid in bed, feeling uncomfortable while asleep, the ear, the clock ticking on the wall to hear, then try to tense muscles and to see how you hold yourself with yoga relaxation.

Physical relaxation brings a sense of comfort, as well as freedom from pain and aches. But yoga gives you more than that. If you continue to practice yoga brings a sense of calm that you and your partner so you both stay strong in tension of everyday life.

Yoga movement is generally slow and graceful, never destructive. After passing a yoga session, you feel relaxed and energized, do not feel tired or tense.

Regulated deep breathing is very important to help you move with care. Do not force yourself to do something uncomfortable or painful.



Thursday, December 09, 2010

He was friend or foe?

Posted by fatur341 On 7:40 PM No comments

Friend or foe?
Often lunch and laughed together, but they just do a dagger stabbing in the back by spreading rumors or secrets that are not good about you. Terbesit in mind, he was friend or foe?

The term-friend or foe "frenemy"summarizes the complexities of our lives. Watch the teen movie "Mean Girls" which recognizes that friendship is not always friendly and as easy as looking at the surface.

eHow offers simple advice to the contents of the friend of your friend or foe to understand. It is indeed complicated, but must be done.

Here it is seven points:

1. Understanding in advance the extent of the variation of the friend-enemy you know. So, be vigilant!

2. Notice how well you take action against potential enemies your friends.

3. Greater confidence introductory comment you.

4. See the patterns that develop.

5. Know more clearly about the nature of the conflict with you.

6. Compare and discriminate between friends around you.

7. Remember to double check the truth.


Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Cara Klik Iklan di IDR-CLICKIT

Posted by fatur341 On 7:20 PM No comments

Banyak calon pendaftar iDR-CLICKIT bertanya, bagaimana cara kerja klik iklan di iDR-CLICKIT?

Berikut tahapan-tahapannya :
Setelah Anda mendaftar, dan Login klik tulisan Lihat Iklan

kemudian akan muncul daftar iklan yang harus di klik satu persatu

Klik pada alamat iklan dan klik lagi pada lingkaran warna merah

akan muncul halaman window baru, tunggu sekitar 30 detik sampai iklan selesai

Setelah selesai akan muncul seperti gambar di bawah ini dan terdapat keterangan sejumlah uang Telah masuk ke saldo anda

Sangat Mudah kan...???

Hanya 15 menit sehari, kalo Anda serius Anda bisa mendapatkan jutaan rupiah dari PTC ini. 

Bagaimana cara bergabung dengan iDR-CLICKIT?

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email : fatur341@gmail.com
HP : 08122730937